Asked Question Set 1
To speed up the search and sorting for a specific name in field is called?
A technique that allows more than one program the ability to switch form one process to another?
Which is odd?
Uniquely identify each record in table______?
Which is oldest component used in computer technology?
Machine language is?
Which of the following is nor component of the CPU?
Peer to peer network is_____?
Which is not function of OS?
Which of the following is not a transmission medium?
Nepali font unicode installation by control panel____?
Page number inserted as?
Which is not valid layout of MS word?
Multimedia is_____?
_______Errors on disk?
3D reference in formula?
Function of macro?
Word wraps feature_____?
How can you create a uniform apperarance by adding a background image to all slides?
Which of the following is the default page orientation for slides?
The result of function left (Examination,4) is______?
The insert a new slide in the current presentation, we can choose?
Merge is a process of_____?
______Is the property of object of powerpoint?
GIF is_____?
Which is not pair tag?