Asked Question Set 12 a dot or other symbol positioned at the begging of the paragraph?
Print pages (1-5,9-13) command will print.........pages?
To insert three columns between columns D,E you would?
Which function tallies all cells in a range whether the cell has a value or a label?
The default header for a worksheet is........?
Which of the following is not a logical operator?
If the value in A1 is "info" and B1 is "", which function will return in C1?
You can horizontal and vertical scroll bars to?
Red triangle at the top right corner of a cell indicates?
The following are components of a database except?
Which of the following data type is used to store large text and numbers?
The extension of MS Access Database file is......?
What happens when you press shift+F10 in MS-Access?
Before the development of DBMS, the data were stored in?
The common field linking the two datasheets is the.........key field in the main datasheet and.......key field in the linked datasheet?
Which type of field is incremented automatically?
The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is?
Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?
Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called?
Transitions applies on........?
Which of the following will not advance the slides in the slide show view?
During a slide show,right-clicking anywhere on the screen enables the users to access the shortcut menu and quickly move to specific slides in the presentation?
How to make an element draggable?
Each row of a table is divided into data celks defined by following tag?
Title tag text display on.......position on the webpage?
The first computer in nepal was?
1 nibble equal to?
Honeywell 800 is.......generation computer?
In a microprocessor,data exchange between memory and CPU is done by?
A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as?
Two kind of memory are?
The BIOS is an abbreviation of........?
DSL ia an example of.........connection?
Which of the following is private IP address ?
.........invented the analytical engine?
Which network topology would you find better for a reliable connectivity?
The full form of DNS is?
Which of the following file contains commands that are loaded during the booting process in MS DOS?
CHKDSK command is used to?
Which of the following is not a valid wildcard in MS DOS?
Environment within which programs of computer system are executed?
A user cannot access a server in the domain. After troubleshooting,you determine that the user cannot access the server by name but can access the server by IP address. What is the most likely problem?
Name the default windows application program that is used for creating programming batch files?
Word processing executable file is......?
In MS Word, shortcut key CTRL+H is used to?
Tool in word apply same format to different character/paragraph ?
Word has a list of predefined typing, spelling, capitalizing and grammar errors that detect and correct?
To change the default setting of MS Word 2007?
The shortcut key to count the pages/words/paragraph/lines.......?
Which of the following is not one of the three 'Mail Merge Helper' steps?