Asked Question Set 14
Objects on the slide that hold text are called ?
Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an exitsing presentation?
The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is?
........value change the color of text into red?
Which HTML tag produces the biggest heading?
The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage element called?
Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves........transmission?
DNS database contains?
.....command is used to create a file?
Which of the following memories need refreshing?
Pressing the combination of .......keys is called warm booting?
........combination of keys are used for column break?
Which of the following is not of the merge process?
In Microsoft Word the key F12 opens a?
To print current page of a document only?
The A4 default paper size of width/height is?
The formula in cell B5 is=A4+C3. This is copied to the cell D8. What will be the formula in D8?
Which of the following is correct syntax in Excel?
Which is an example of a function ?
To start data on a new line within a cell, enter a line break by pressing ?
A form can be used as a? the default field size of auto number ?
........Uniquely identifies each record?
Function used to display the slides show?
Which language is used to create macros in Excel?
Which function is used to calculate depreciation, rates of return, future values and loan payment amounts?
What type of chart is useful for comparing parts of a whole?
The.......feature of MS Excel quickly completes a series of data?
Which of the following is not a section in report design window in MS Acess?
Which is the valid data type in MS Access?
In a table, the relationship among a set of values are represented by?
Slides can have?
Keyboard shortcut to add new slide in MS PowerPoint is?
How many parts are there in the constitution of nepal?
According to the timber corporation of Nepal karmachari sewasart nimawali,2052,what is the maximum mark a candidate for promotion will get for his seniority?
Who was the first computer programmer?
A teleprinter is?
The main block of the computer system consists of?
The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM are known as?
The basic operations performed by a computer are?
Which of the following needs refreshing?
Which of the following require large computers memory ?
The ASCII code of 0(Zero) is?
The memory which is ultraviolet light erasable and electrically programmable is?
Which of the following is not a valid capacity of a floppy disk?
Which of the following malicious program do not replicate automatically ?
A computer on internet is identified by?
The slowest transmission speeds are those of?
Only filenames and extensions are to be displayed in wide format, which command you'll use?
The command allows you to create logical drive?