Asked Question Set 19
Which of the following memories has the fastest access times?
As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is?
Which of the below IP address would be used for a private network ?
Distortion in a signal is called?
The short cut for print preview in Ms-Word is?
What is the short cut key to open font dialog box?
Which of the following line spacing is invalid?
What is the shortcut to copy the format from a text?
To auto fit the width of column?
Where can you change the vertical alignment?
In word, the mailing list is known as the......?
The key F12 opens a?
Which of the paper size is the largest?
The shortcut to collapse and expand the ribon in Ms-Word is?
Which of the following is praphicssolution for word processors?
The keystrokes Ctrl+I is used?
A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as?
What is legend?
To insert new comment in excel sheep press......?
In Ms Excel, getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called ......?
In Ms Excel to select multiple non-adjacent cells in a worksheet you will click them holding ?
Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
How do you delete the selected a column or cells
Red triangle at the to right corner of a cell indicates?
To insert function in excel sheet press......?
Tool in Ms Excel to combine values from multiple ranges into a new range is?
Conditional count can be performed using?
Invalid formula category in Excel is?
When a formatted number does not fit within a cell,it displays?
Which of the following is the property of primary key?
In Ms Access, technique to speed up data retrieval?
Data Definition language (DDL) includes?
Which of the following is the default page setup orientation of slides in power point?
Which of the following presentation elements can you modify using the slide master?
Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in?
NTFS is......?
In which mode windows starts with only core drivers and services ?
Which of the following operating system does not implement multitasking truly?
How do you delete any content directly without consuming the space of recycle bin?
Which of the following is the part of the operating system ?
The first computer introduced in Nepal was?
The language that the computer can understand and execute is called ?
The two basic types of record access methods are?
ASCII stands for?
Central processing Unit is combination of?
The BIOS is the abbreviation of........?
How was the generation of computer classified?
A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at a time is called a/an?
The term gigabyte refers to?
The istructions for starting the computer are housed on?