Asked Question Set 20
Which of the following areas in the Microsoft excel 2010 pivot table field list calculates the aggregate column?
Excel keeps the changed history of workbook for.......days default ?
What is the filename extension of excel workbooks which are saved as excel templates?
How would you locate the last cell on worksheet?
Which chart displays axes but cannot display axis titles ?
How can you update the values of formula cells if auto calculate mode of excel is disabled?
Which of the following option is not available in paste special dialog box?
A characteristic of any entity?
It is an association established between two tables with common field is?
To insert New slide in Powerpoint?
Which feature of powerpoint allows you to add background color, colors for text and lines on slide?
A digital signature needs a?
According to the constitution of Nepal, Which from given option below does not belong the duty of citizens ?
Which of the following is valid page orientation ?
Which of the following typically apper at the end of document for citation of source?
The second generation of computer was in period of?
Joystick is........device ?
GPU in control unit stands for?
Vulnerability of system designed to provide the attacker with complete control of the victim's system ?
Specific class of computer software that the low level control for the device's specific hardware is known as?
The parameter which define the ratio of the horizontal length to the vertical length of monitor id known as?
Which of the following memory is non-volatile?
Any data or instruction entered into the memory of computer is considered as?
Network used by group of different commercial bank is best categorized as?
A terminal that cannot process any information is called?
Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence ?
Computer virus is a?
Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folder etc are?
To make redundant copy of the entire disk,you need to run.......command ?
Which of the following operating system does not implement multitasking?
Setting associated with computer files that grant or deny certain rights to blow to use or the operating system can access that file?
Restore command of operating system performs?
Which is the default alignment in Word?
We can remove/hide boarder of a shape by selecting?
The item that appers dimly behind the main body text is?
The key used to begin a new line in a document is?
By default, word automatically formats each heading in a table of contents as......?
Not a zoom option in MS Word?
Kerning for fonts in MS Word can be?
Default envelop size in MS Word is?
Data source file for mailing recipients can be?
What is default theme of MS word?
Which file starts MS word?
Ctrl+N is used to do?
Which of the following methods cannot be used to edit the content of cell?
Keyboard shortcut to create new chart sheet?
Data can be arranged in accending or descending order by using?
Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is?
To select multiple non-adjacent cell in a worksheet you will click them?
An error is also known as?