Asked Question Set 22

Asked Question Set 22

Asked Question Set 22

Asked Question Set 22

1) Shortcut key for manual colulmn break in MS word is?

2) Which of the following is not the function of control unit of CPU?

3) What is the shortcut key to start presentation from current slide?

4) When was the latest ICT policy of Nepal Pormulgated?

5) If 10/2 entered in a cell without applying any function excel will treat this as?

6) Which of the following is invalid regarding the protection in excel?

7) A fault in computer program which presents it from working correctly is known as?

8) In command line, which of the following command is used to move to parent directory of current directory?

9) Thesaurus tool in MS word is used to find out??

10) Which command can be used to create the disks tracks and sectors?

11) A function inside another function is called ?

12) From Ms Word 2007, Microsoft has added……..document encryption technology to make the protected word file more secure and impossible to crack?

13) How can you make a file non-editable?

14) “NTFS” stands for?

15) SCS2 denotes?

16) Which menu do you choose to shade words and paragraph ?

17) You can auto fit width of a column by?

18) What is the shortcut key for creating a chart from the selected cell range?

19) ……..are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet?

20) Text wrap feature in word processing ?

21) Two kinds main memory are?

22) What should you do if you require pasting the same format in many places?

23) Which of the following is correct syntax of excel?

24) What feature will you use to apply motion effects in between a slide exist and another enters?

25) Shortcut key to split a table?

26) Process management, resource management,access management and event management are example of?

27) Which command is used to provide access to file location in other directories or disk?

28) Which of the following items are examples of storage devices ?

29) Which of the following is not option when printing handouts?

30) Which is not true for operating system?

31) A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is?

32) The difference between people with access to computers and the internet and those without this access is known as the?

33) How are data organized in spreadsheet?

34) Which of the following memory has the shortest acess time?

35) When you press Ctrl+U, it will…….?

36) In a computer network, what is collection of parallel electrical wires with the multiple connection that transfer data between component inside computer?

37) An electronic device which is used to manage the power supply of computer is known as?

38) Shortcut key to replacing a text in MS word is?

39) Which of the following component is responsible for determining sequence of instruction to be executing in a CPU?

40) Formula palate is used to?

41) Which of the following file format can be added to a powerpoint presentation?

42) Shortcut key Ctrl+T is used to?

43) How can we view a cell comment?

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Which of the following is not option when printing handouts?

Six slides per page
Five slides per page
Three slides per page
Two slides per page

What is the shortcut key to start presentation from current slide?

Ctrl + F5

What feature will you use to apply motion effects in between a slide exist and another enters?

Slide design
Slide transition
Animation objects
Animation scheme

"NTFS" stands for?

Network technology file sys
Network transfer file system
New transfer file system
New technology file system

Which of the following file format can be added to a powerpoint presentation?

All of these

Two kinds main memory are?

Primary and Secondary
Random and sequential
All of these

Which command is used to provide access to file location in other directories or disk?


A fault in computer program which presents it from working correctly is known as?


The difference between people with access to computers and the internet and those without this access is known as the?

Digital divide
Internet divide
Web divide

........are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet?

IP address

A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is?


Which of the following component is responsible for determining sequence of instruction to be executing in a CPU?

Instruction Unit
Control unit
Logical unit
Memory unit

An electronic device which is used to manage the power supply of computer is known as?


Which of the following is not the function of control unit of CPU?

Extracts instruction from memory
Decode instruction
Perform logical operating
Execute the instruction

When was the latest ICT policy of Nepal Pormulgated?

2010 AD
2005 AD
2000 AD
1015 AD

In a computer network, what is collection of parallel electrical wires with the multiple connection that transfer data between component inside computer?


Which is not true for operating system?

Helps to execute application
Performs memory management
Solves users actual problem
Control all the operation of computer

Which command can be used to create the disks tracks and sectors?


Process management, resource management,access management and event management are example of?

Security processes
Function of DBMS
Function of operating system
Types of operating system

How can you make a file non-editable?

By using Atrrib+A
By using Atrrib+R
By using Atrrib+H
By using Atrrib+S

In command line, which of the following command is used to move to parent directory of current directory?

Cd up

Which of the following memory has the shortest acess time?

Cache memory
Magnetic bubble memory
Magnetic core memory

Shortcut key for manual colulmn break in MS word is?

Ctrl + enter
Shift + spacebar
Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Shortcut key to split a table?

Ctrl + Alt + enter
Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Text wrap feature in word processing ?

Allow to type over text
Automatically move to next line
Allow to make text attractive
Increase the attractiveness of text

When you press Ctrl+U, it will.......?

Undelete the previously deleted text
Undo the last changes
Underline the document name
Underline the selected text

Shortcut key Ctrl+T is used to?

Hanging indent
Left indent
Open tabs dialog box
Terminate all opened dialog box

Which menu do you choose to shade words and paragraph ?

Format, border and shading
Insert, border and shading
View, shading
None of these

What should you do if you require pasting the same format in many places?

Click the format painter and go on pasting in many place holding alt key
Double click the format painter then go on pasting many places
Click the format painter then go on pasting to many places holding ctrl key
All of these

Shortcut key to replacing a text in MS word is?

Ctrl + R
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + N

Thesaurus tool in MS word is used to find out??

Grammar check
Spelling suggestion
Synonyms and antonyms words

From Ms Word 2007, Microsoft has added........document encryption technology to make the protected word file more secure and impossible to crack?

32 Bit
64 Bit
128 Bit
256 Bit

Which of the following is invalid regarding the protection in excel?

Protect sheet
Protect workgroup
Protect workspace
All of these

How are data organized in spreadsheet?

Lines and spaces
Layers and planes
Rows and columns
Height and width

A function inside another function is called ?

Nested function
Round function
Sum function
Text function

If 10/2 entered in a cell without applying any function excel will treat this as?

A fraction

How can we view a cell comment?

Position the mouse pointer over the cell
Click the edit comment command on the view menu
Click the edit comment command on the insert menu
Click the display comment command on the window menu

Formula palate is used to?

Firmat cells containing numbers
Create and edit formula containing functions
Entered assumption data
Copy all cells

Which of the following is correct syntax of excel?

=If(LogicalText, TrueResult, FalseResult)
=If(LogicalText, (TrueResult, FalseResult)
=If(logicaltext, trueresult)(logicaltest, falseresult)
=If(LogicalText, TrueResult)if(logicaltest, falseresult)

What is the shortcut key for creating a chart from the selected cell range?


You can auto fit width of a column by?

Double clicking on the column name on column header
Double clicking on column right border on column header
Double clicking on the cell pointer in worksheet
All of these

SCS2 denotes?

Relative cell reference
Absolute cell reference
Mixed cell reference
None of these

Which of the following items are examples of storage devices ?

Floppy/ hard disks
Tape devices
All of these

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