Asked Question Set 3
Which of the following is TRUE about the Recycle Bin?
Which of the following would be best tool to diagnose and troubleshoot when hard drive seems to have higher the normal activity?
Operating system is?
Which of the following are loaded into main memory when the computer is booted?
Headers and footers are?
Word processing software can be used to create?
What is the short cut key to open the thesaurus window?
Which short cut key do key do you use to double space a paragraph?
Which feature do you use to create newspaper?
Ms word input device cannot of____type of documents by default?
Which input device cannot be used to work in MS-Office?
Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell?
Thesaurus is used for?
Which is the shortcut key to check spelling of a document?
What tools can the user to set indents or tabs?
Which of the following keystroke let's you recalcute the formula?
An excel workbook is a collection of____?
To return the reminder after a number is devided by a divisor in Excel use the function?
Excel displays the current cell address in the_____?
What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as '#,##0.00"?
Which language is used to create macro in excel?
You can delete text by?
Getting data from a cell located in a different sheets called_____?
A numeric value can be treated as a table value if it produced with?
____means: that the data contained in a database is accurate and reliable:?
Any request for data from a database is known as a?
Database management system are intended to?
The relational model uses some unfamiliar terminology. A tuple is equivalent to a?
The sorting and indexing must be performed according to a?
Which category is found in custom Animation?
Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show?
In Ms-Powerpoint, to insert new slide in the current presentation. We can choose?
CMS in web page stand for?
Which of is not used in web page designing?
Which one is not skeleton and Flesh of HTML documents?
A hard copy would be prepared in a?
A compiler is_______?
A pixel is?
Memory is made up of?
A disadvantage of the laser printer is?
Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?
Which one is volatile memory?
Which one is output device?
The_____shows all the websites and pages that you have visited over a perfect of time?
A proxy server is used for which of the following?
Which of the following bit patterns represents the decimal values 5?
Which of the following connects existing networks of form an internet?
The difference between people with access to computer and the internet; and those without this access in known as the?
When of the following capabilities are required for a system program to execute more the one program at a time?
Fifth generation computer is also known as?