


Subject + causative verb + object, verb past participle.

I have to get the letter printed.

1) I have to get the letter ………..

2) A cow is ……….. useful animal.

  • Cerebrum is the centre of intelligence, memory, imagination and emotions.
  • Cerebellum maintains equilibrium and controls the posture of body.
  •  Medulla oblongata contains different centers that regulate heart beat rate, blood pressure,
    breathing, swallowing, salivation, sneezing and other involuntary movements.
  •  Spinal cord is the center of reflex action.

3) Contraction and relaxation of blood vessel is done by ………  

4) If arithmetic mean of the data 6, 5, x, 8, 3,2 and 7 is 5, what is value of x?

'Than' preposition is used for comparison sentence.

5) Never think you are inferior ……….. anyone else.

6) A card is drawn randomly from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. What is the probability of getting a queen or club?

Nitrogenous bases of DNA are
Adenine, thiamine, cytosine, Guanine.
•Nitrogenous bases of RNA are
Adenine, Guanine, Uracil, cytosine.

7) The nitrogen base of DNA are:

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for the questions.
The tall pines on the hills, the rivulets producing a musical sound and the snow-bound lofty peaks looking dazzlingly bright in the matured sun presented a panoramic view. The weather in Jiri was pleasant contrast to the one we had in Kathmandu. There were clouds most of the time but showers still seemed far off. The slopy green fields seemed inviting the visitors to tread on them. Sometimes, we climbed up a high cliff. At other time, we descended to the brook looking for the fresh water fish that were in abundance there.
8) Q. The writer is describing the scenery as seen……

Sun is made mainly of hydrogen and helium.
Nuclear fusion is the source of solar energy.

9) The sun is made mainly of………………..

Unless itself is a negative word. Double negative is not used.

10) Unless you ……….. the work, you can’t go home

11) ……….. the powerful jaws, the crocodile couldn’t do much harm to the elephant.

'is it' is sensible here.

12) Do you know what time………..

13) What is the total surface area of a hemisphere having the radius of 7 cm?

Here, had comes as main verb as well as auxiliary verb too.

14) ……….. some time. I’d have visited you.

Characters of amphibian are :

  •  Body is divisible into head and trunk.
  • Skin is usually thin, soft and moist.
  •  They breathe through gills at their early stage and through skin or lunge in the adult stage.
  •  External fertilization.

15) Animals with soft skin, absence of neck and external fertilization is characteristics of class.

Subject + make + agent + v1 …………

She will make you shout at her.

During contemptuous feeling we use preposition 'despite'.

16) She will make you ……….. at her.

'with' preposition is used in 'manners', 'containing',' against' etc. here manner is used i.e, love.

17) We look after our children …………

18) In the adjoining circle o is the centre and ∠ABC = 125°, what is the value of x?

19) Bottle A contains a dilute solution of vinegar and bottle B contains sodium carbonate solution. When pH paper is immersed in A and B changed colour is ………… respectively.

20) When a number is increased by 25%, it becomes 60. What is the number?

Interphase is the resting stage.
During this phase, cal grows to its maximum size and synthesize RNA, protein and ATP. DNA
replication also takes place centrioles also replicate to form two pairs of centrioles.

21) DNA get doubled in ………… phase.

First bird and mammals, evolve in Mesozoic era. In this era dinosaurs are at their peak.

  •  First amphibian, insect, reptiles evolve in Paleozoic era.
  •  Cenozoic era is the present era.

22) Evolution of first mammal was occurred in ……………era.

The exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes takes place in pachytene stage of
prophase I at meiosis. This is called crossing over. The point where the crossing over takes
place is called chiasmata.

23) Crossing over takes place in ……………….. stage of meiosis I.

24) The umbrella shaped part of a mushroom is ………………

Symptoms of measles includes
High fever, wet eyes, sore throat, eyes are more sensitive to light, small pink rash appears on
the skin.
• Measles vaccine is done at the 9th month.

25) Following are the symptoms of diseases……… Air medium, fever, throat pain and cough, skinrashes.

26) Following equation shows………….reaction. H2SO4 + CaO –––––––––– CaSO4 + H2O

27) In the adjoining figure, ABC is a tangent of a circle and B is a point of contact. If BE = BC and ∠ECB = 35°, what is the value of ∠BDE?

28) The volume of the adjoining triangular prism is 240 cubic cm. If AB ⊥ BC, AB = 6 cm and BC = 8 cm, What is the length of CD?

29) If 8ˣ = 1/64, what is the value of x?

Pressure of liquid depend on its density, value of g and its height.

30) Pressure in liquid does not depends on…………………

Negative sentences takes positive question tags.

31) There’s hardly any water, ………..?

32) What is the area of a triangle whose each side is equal to 2x cm?  

33) What is the volume of the given square based pyramid in which BC = 10 cm and OP = 12 cm?

34) A and B working together can complete a piece of work in 36/5 days. If B alone can complete the same work in 18 days, In how many days A alone can complete it?

Descended → to fall; to incline downward.

35) Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for the questions.
The tall pines on the hills, the rivulets producing a musical sound and the snow-bound lofty peaks looking dazzlingly bright in the matured sun presented a panoramic view. The weather in Jiri was pleasant contrast to the one we had in Kathmandu. There were clouds most of the time but showers still seemed far off. The slopy green fields seemed inviting the visitors to tread on them. Sometimes, we climbed up a high cliff. At other time, we descended to the brook looking for the fresh water fish that were in abundance there.
Q. The word” ………………… ” in the passage gives opposite meaning of the works ‘went up”.

We use article 'an' before words beginning with a vowel sound represented by the letters a,e,i,o,u and sometimes by the latter h(mute).

36) It took them ……….. hour and a half to complete the painting.

37) The market price of a calculator is Rs. 460. What is the selling price of it if 10% discount is allowed?

S + V-ing + O (active)  O + being + V3 + O (passive)

38) I hate being laughed at. This means I hate ………..

39) Which of the following is the statement of Archimedes’s principle?

40) In laboratory, carbon dioxide gas is prepared by the reaction between ………..

A black hole is formed when a star collapses. It is a remnant of a star so condensed that its
gravitational pall is strong enough to prevent matter or even light from escaping from it.

41) End of the life of the sun is………….

42) The market price of an article is Rs. 1800. What will be it’s selling price including 10% VAT?

43) If a = 2, b = 3 and c = -1, What is the value of aᵇbᶜcᵃ ?

44) The current price of a machine is Rs. 15000. If its price depreciated at the rate of 10% per year, what will be the price of the machine after 2 years?

45) If a student uses spectacles of power -2D. What is the focal length of that lens?

46) In the adjoining figure, 0 is the centre of a circle. If ∠COD = 110°, what is the value ∠ABD?

47) If  √(x + 2) = 2, what is the value of x?

48) What is the area of ΔMNR if  MN = 10√12 cm, NR = 16 cm and ∠MNR = 45°?

49) ………………. are alkaline earth metal.

50) In adjoining circle, O is the centre of the circle. If AB = AC, what is the value of ∠ACB?

51) From the cards numbered from 5 to 30, a card is drawn at random. What is the probability of the card so drawn is to be a square number card?

Hans Christian obstacle invented magnetic effect of electric current.
A magnetic field is induced around any conductor carrying an electric current. This is oersted

52) Magnetic effect of current is invented by

53) I replied, “It’s ten to ten.” ; when my sister asked me”………..?”

an wanting' is the used because I am longing for drink for long time. Verb of feeling and emotions like fear, hate, care, feel, want, desire, like, dislike, love, respect etc. are rarely used in continuous terse.

54) I’m very thirsty. I ……….. some drink.

Lofty → high, tall, having great height or stature.

55) Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for the questions.
The tall pines on the hills, the rivulets producing a musical sound and the snow-bound lofty peaks looking dazzlingly bright in the matured sun presented a panoramic view. The weather in Jiri was pleasant contrast to the one we had in Kathmandu. There were clouds most of the time but showers still seemed far off. The slopy green fields seemed inviting the visitors to tread on them. Sometimes, we climbed up a high cliff. At other time, we descended to the brook looking for the fresh water fish that were in abundance there.
Q. The word ‘lofty’ is used to mean…………………

Water has maximum density and minimum volume at 4ᵒ c this is called anomalous character of water.

56) The density of water is maximum at……………..

57) Five times the square of a natural number is 80. What is the number?

58) A watch bought at Rs. 800 and sold at Rs. 920. What is the gain in percent?

Brook → a small stream.

59) Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for the questions.
The tall pines on the hills, the rivulets producing a musical sound and the snow-bound lofty peaks looking dazzlingly bright in the matured sun presented a panoramic view. The weather in Jiri was pleasant contrast to the one we had in Kathmandu. There were clouds most of the time but showers still seemed far off. The slopy green fields seemed inviting the visitors to tread on them. Sometimes, we climbed up a high cliff. At other time, we descended to the brook looking for the fresh water fish that were in abundance there.
Q. The word “brooks’ as used in the text means ………………

60) The value of g is……………….

61) Price of a watch is Rs. 4000. If the price is discounted by 200, what is the discount percentage?

Troposphere is the lowermost layer of atmosphere. It has thickness of 16 km. temperature in this layer decreases/increases with change of height at the rate of about 6.5o per km. and pressure is halved at each 5.6 km height.

62) In the ………….. layer of atmosphere, with the increase is the altitude from the earth’s surface, temperature of the layer decreases with sate of 6.5°c per km.

Period of time → for eg. For two weeks.

Point of time → since eg. Since last week.

63) You’ve been busy with this ……….. the last week.

64) In the given circle with centre 0, AB is a tangent of the circle at a point A. If OA = 5 cm and AB = 12 cm, what is the length of BC?

65) What is the slant height (l) of the adjoining cone?

66) The ore of silver is …………..

67) 2x, (3x — 1), (3x + 5), (5x + 7), 55, 60 and 68 are in ascending order. If the first quartile of the given data is 20, what will be the value of x?

68) Which one is the H.C.F. of  x³-y³ and 2x²-xy-y²?

Transformer is a device to convert low a.c voltage into high a.c voltage and vice versa.

69) The device used to increase or decrease alternating electromotive force.

Preposition 'of' is used for Belonging, Quantity, Cause etc.

70) Hard work is the key ……….. every success.

71) No one knows ……….. she comes from.

72) What is the volume of a cylinder if its height and radius of the base are 10 cm and 7 cm respectively?

Eligible → suitable; meeting the condition.

73) Your handwriting is ………..

Sporulation is the process of reproduction takes place by spores eg. Mucor, rhizopus, moss,
fern etc.

74) The type of asexual reproduction in mum……………. is

75) When object is kept between F & 2F is convex lens

Pyrex glass is also called borosilicate glass.
It is obtained by heating mixture of silica, sodium carbonate calcium carbonate and boron oxide.
It is used for making lab equipment.

76) Pyrex glass is the mixture of…………………..

S + V2 + O (active)  O + V 3 + O (passive)

77) The answer wasn’t known. That means” ……….. the answer”.

78) The cost of these articles ……….. risen sharply.

79)  If n(P) = 16 and n(R) =21, what is the maximum value of n(P∩R)?

Parathyroid gland secrete parathormone hormone which maintains the calcium and phosphate
level and controls the proper development of bones.

80) ………… is the hormone that balance calcium in blood.

Power (p) = 500w = 0.5kw
Time operate (T) = 80 minutes = 1.33 hours.
Power consumption = 0.5 × 1.33 kwh
= 0.667kwh

81) An appliance of power 500 w is connected to 220 v supply and operated for 80 minutes. What is the cost of the electricity consumed if the charge is Rs. 6/– per unit?

Singular subject takes singular verb.

82) The convict ……….. for his crime.

According to SON rule
For interrogative sentence, we use if or whether as conjunction and change the sentence into assertive form

83) “Can you help me, Raj?”, I asked. This means l asked Raj ……….. I can.

P = hdg.
P = liquid pressure
h = depth of liquid
d = density of liquid.
g = acceleration due to gravity.

84) The formula used to calculate liquid pressure is………………

85) In the given ΔPQR if PR = 12 cm, QR = 8 cm and the area of ΔPQR = 24 sq. cm, what is the measurement of ∠PRQ in degree?

Solar energy, biomass, hydropower, tidal energy, wind energy geothermal energy are renewal
sources of energy.
•Coal, natural gas, petroleum, nuclear energy etc. are non-renewable sources of energy.

86) Three renewal sources of energy are………………….

Words like nothing, never, nobody, no one, seldom, rarefy, hardly, neither takes affirmative question tag.

87) Neither is good, ………..?

Police/people/ cattle/ public + plural verb.

88) The police ……….. searching for the criminal.

89) What is the radius of a sphere whose surface area is Π16 cm²?

The process off conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrate is called nitrogen fiction.

  • The conversion of ammonium salts into nirites and nitrates by te action of soil bacteria is
  •  The process of conversion of nitrates into free nitrogen is denitrification.

90) The process of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrate is called ……….

Negative of 'any' is 'none'

91) The negative of “Any of them will do.” Is ………..

92) 85. …………. is the moleular formula of ethanol.

93) At what rate percent compound interest will Rs. 625 amount to Rs. 729 in 2 years?

94) In the following figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. If the area of  ΔEBC is equal to 10√2 sq. cm, what is the area of the parallelogram ABCD?  

95) The substance with least specific heat capacity is ……..

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