English Grammar Set 2


English Grammar Set 2

The concept of ‘MCQ’ is nothing new, but this question bank is the most complete and authentic collection of questions for English Grammar. The MCQs in this set have been designed to test your understanding of English Grammar and also make you familiar with the common words and phrases used in a sentence. This will help you in your daily conversations, exams and interviews. The questions are not difficult as they are easy to understand and you can easily grasp the meaning of the sentences and expressions used in the MCQs.

1) China has . . . . . . people than Canada.

2) A monkey . . . . . . a long tail.

3) A policeman asked a girl what . . . . . . name was.

4) Be quiet. A new song . . . . . .

5) After six months, you can also speak in English . . . . . me.

6) . . . . I use your cell phone as I have forgotten mine?

7) Could is the past form of . . . . . .

8) . . . . . you ever . . . . . . . Manali?

9) . . . . . ‘you’ a noun or a pronoun?

10) Aakriti . . . . . . . since afternoon.

11) . . . . . you . . . . . . your kids?

12) Columbus was in search . . . . . America.

13) Before you gave answers, sir . . . . . them to us.

14) Aatish . . . . . . . . a grain merchant.

15) Do you know the . . . . . . . of your religion?

16) Board . . . . . not . . . . . . this question in the previous exam.

17) A baby . . . . . not . . . . . sandwich at this time yesterday.

18) Attempts are necessary for success, . . . . . . . ?

19) Ajay and Kajol are husband and wife. They both love . . . . . . . .

20) 10,000 visitors . . . . . . www.angelforenglish.com last week.

21) Chirag hardly ever cooks, . . . . . . ?

22) Aadarsh . . . . . . overtime for the last two weeks.

23) 400 videos . . . . . . already . . . . . . by Angel for English on YouTube.

24) . . . . . we . . . . . without water?

25) 5,000 students had appeared in the exam . . . . . . . . students could get through.

26) At present, she is not going . . . . . . . library.

27) America . . . . . . the powerful president.

28) Do you think David Beckham is . . . . . . . English football player?

29) Does she . . . . . . . get up early and cook for family at this old age?

30) Angel is famous . . . . . English in Jasdan.

31) All the winners . . . . . prizes tomorrow.

32) Aaayushmaan . . . . . new movie next year.

33) Do not cry . . . . . spilt milk.

34) A mosquito is flying . . . . . your head.

35) Do you always go to school . . . . . foot?

36) Aatish went to America . . . . . . earning money.

37) Both the friends were idle . . . . . . of them stood up to answer.

38) Angel has been sending English learning videos . . . . . July 2014.


39) After a day’s work, they slept . . . . . .

40) A mango was . . . . . . by Aakriti.

41) . . . . we be . . . . . trouble without water in future?

42) Before sometimes, the monkey jumped . . . . . . the river.

43) A life history of a person written by himself is . . . . . . . .

44) Cut this apple . . . . . . that knife.

45) Do you think that flying an airplane is a . . . . . experience?

46) By the end of summer, you . . . . . . . your higher secondary examination.

47) A festival of kites . . . . . very famous in London.

48) . . . . . you go really? You only arrived an hour ago!

49) A blacksmith uses . . . . . . .

50) Divya . . . . . Dimple if she could take her scooty.

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