English Grammar Set 6


English Grammar Set 6

The concept of ‘MCQ’ is nothing new, but this question bank is the most complete and authentic collection of questions for English Grammar. The MCQs in this set have been designed to test your understanding of English Grammar and also make you familiar with the common words and phrases used in a sentence. This will help you in your daily conversations, exams and interviews. The questions are not difficult as they are easy to understand and you can easily grasp the meaning of the sentences and expressions used in the MCQs.

1) Elders . . . . . . .

2) God has been distributing wisdom among people . . . . . . many years.

3) Look, many students . . . . . kites.

4) Might is the past form of . . . . . .

5) Marry . . . . . . a question to Mohan yesterday.

6) He . . . . . . for you all day. He’s still waiting now.

7) English is taught . . . . . . Kishan sir to us very easily.

8) A mango was . . . . . . by Aakriti.

9) Do you think that flying an airplane is a . . . . . experience?

10) One who hates woman is called . . . . . .

11) Could is the past form of . . . . . .

12) If . . . . . . I would not lose temper.

13) Have you ever . . . . . Taj Mahal?

14) Girls have been teasing boys . . . . . 20 minutes.

15) Heena . . . . . . to buy the new dress she wants.

16) Don’t disturb the principal. He . . . . . in his chamber.

17) Listen, an announcement . . . . . to cancel all the flights due to heavy ice-fall.


18) Early to bed and early to rise . . . . . . a man healthy, wealthy.

19) ‘Have’ ….. used with plurals generally.

20) Imam Husian died . . . . . . a noble cause.

21) Most children . . . . . . ice-cream.

22) The person who conducts sales at which goods are sold to the persons making the highest bid or offer is called . . . . . .

23) Monday is the first day . . . . . . . the week.

24) Hanuman . . . . . . . Ram too much.

25) Aadarsh . . . . . . overtime for the last two weeks.

26) After a day’s work, they slept . . . . . .

27) English . . . . . all over the world.

28) The letter has already . . . . . . It must have reached by now.

29) Merry . . . . . two husbands.

30) Every morning I get up at 4 O’ clock, but today I . . . . . . 7 o’clock.

31) My husband has studied only . . . . . . . S.S.C.

32) Look, a new missile . . . . . . . .

33) He . . . . . . an airplane for 10 hours.

34) Mr. John . . . . . in India since his wife died.

35) My father is a farmer but yours . . . . . an advocate.

36) Cut this apple . . . . . . that knife.

37) Listen, a nice song . . . . . . .

38) Kites . . . . . in future also.

39) Kites . . . . . . last year also.
40) . . . . . . takes charge of a prison.
41) ‘Kites’ . . . . . . the plural form of kite.
42) Look at all those black clouds! It……..today.

43) Columbus was in search . . . . . America.

44) Kites . . . . . . . available in many colours and shapes.

45) Do you always go to school . . . . . foot?

46) Rohan was …… till death by the dacoits.

47) Board . . . . . not . . . . . . this question in the previous exam.

48) Eagle has been flying in the sky . . . . . last week.

49) Kites . . . . . . by Children, adult, girls and boys in Nepal.

50) Listen, she is talking . . . . . . . you.

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