Model Question Set 2

Model Question Set 2

Model Question Set 2

Model Question Set 2

1) Got functions?No?You need the insert function dialog box. How do you get it?

2) Whichbof the following is NOT a type of Microsoft access database object?

3) A disadvantage of the laser printer is?

4) Scandisk analyze and repair damage to which of the following?

5) The difference between slide design and auto content wizard is?

6) Which of the following operations moves text from clipboard?

7) Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting is required in more than location?

8) What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?

9) DNS database contains?

10) EPROM can be used for?

11) On which toolbar can you find format painter tool?

12) Which of the following protocol is not used in the internet?

13) What do you call the translator which takes assembly language program as input & produce machine language code as output?

14) Charts tips can?

15) Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic?

16) In analog computer?

17) How do you change column width to fit the contents?

18) Which toolbar has crop button?

19) Which menu provides you options like animation scheme, custom animation, slide translation?

20) What is the correct HTML for making a hyperlink?

21) What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook?

22) Who invented World Wide Web(WWW)?

23) An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead of one is?

24) In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?

25) Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?

26) Which command is used to see the sub-directory structure of drive?

27) A compiler is______?

28) Which command is used to establish a link between a source document and a destination document?

29) What would you do when you want to update the data in an embeded worksheet range?

30) What must be used to control the layering of objects?

31) Whichof the following computer is not invented by j.p Eckert and john Mauchly?

32) You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to?

33) Which of the following is not an operating system?

34) Which keystroke is used for updating a field?

35) Which of the printers used in conjunction with computer uses dry ink powder?

36) Pressing the _____ key instructs word to replace an AutoText entry name with the stored AutoText entry?

37) Hard disk is coated in both side with?

38) This option allows you to build a new table by entering data directly into the datasheet?

39) When you use the fill effects in the format data series dialog box, you cannot

40) During the boot process, the—-looks for the system files?

41) You can add an image to a template by clicking the insert picture from file button on the….. Toolbar?

42) To center worksheet titles across a range of cell, you must?

43) In which menu can you find features like slide design, slide layout etc…?

44) How can you make an e-mail link?

45) Hyperlinks cannot be?

46) Which of the field has width 8 bytes?

47) Which of the following option in file pull down menu is used to close a MS word document?

48) What happens if you select first and second slide and then click on new slide button on toolbar?

49) Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in access database?

50) When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are?

51) Which of the following is first generation of computer?

52) FIFO scheduling is_____?

53) Reading data is performed in magnetic disk by?

54) In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?

55) Following is not a database model?

56) A name or number used to identify a storage location is called?

57) RJ45 UPT cable has …… cables.

58) What does the show check box in query design window indicate?

59) A computer has very low failure rate because it used electronic components. It produces very consistent results. This is highlighted by which of the feature of computer?

60) In table design view what are the first column of buttons used for?

61) CSS is an acronym for?

62) To select a group of words,_____?

63) Which of the following is graphics solution for word processors?

64) Which of the following is best for quick copy operation?

65) The most commonly used standard data code to represent Alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called?

66) Which field type will you select when creating a new table if you require to enter long text in that field?

67) How many steps are there between start and finish in AutoContent Wizard?

68) Which of the following is not of the merge process?

69) The paragraph mark (||) is a formatting mark that indicates where the______ was pressed?

70) Which of the following class uses 8bits for network and bits for portion of the ip address?

71) ……are used to identify a user who returns to a website?

72) The primary job of the operating system is?

73) Which of the following enables you to make multiple changes in a document at once?

74) In______ mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time?

75) Where can you find the draw table tool button?

76) Memory is made up of?

77) What is the function of an operating system?

78) When you work with large worksheets, you may need to?

79) Paper spreadsheets can have all the same advantages as an electronic spreadsheetexcept which of the following?

80) To select multiple cells, rows, or columns in a table that are not adjacent to one another, select the first cell and then hold down the_____ key while selecting the next cell, row, or column?

81) The name box?

82) What is the function of radio button?

83) …….are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet?

84) An error in computer data is called?

85) A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an?

86) Rj45 UTP cable has______ Cables?

87) Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

88) An operating system is a program or a group of programs that?

89) Which of the following is not a valid size of a floppy disk?

90) What’s a quick way to extend these numbers to a longer sequence, for instance 1 through 20?

91) Which of the following describes how to select all the cells in a single column?

92) When integrating Ms-Word and Excel, Word is usually the?

93) To insert three columns between columns D and E you would?

94) DSL is an example of……… connection?

95) To create queries in access?

96) The act of retrieving existing data from memory is called?

97) The term GIGO is related to?

98) What do we call a computer program that organizs data in rowd and columns of cells? You might use this type of program to keep a record of the money you earned moving lawns over the summer?

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Reading data is performed in magnetic disk by?

Read/write heads
Lower surface

RJ45 UPT cable has ...... cables.

2 pair
3 pair
4 pair
5 pair

A compiler is______?

A combination of computer hardware
A program which translates from one high-level language to another
A program which translates from one high-Level to a machine level language
None of these

A disadvantage of the laser printer is?

It is quieter than an impact printer
Is it very slow
The output is of a lower quality
None of these

The most commonly used standard data code to represent Alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called?

All of these

EPROM can be used for?

Erasing the contents of ROM
Reconstructing the contents of ROM
Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM
Duplicating ROM

The term GIGO is related to?


An error in computer data is called?

Storage device

The act of retrieving existing data from memory is called?

Read from
All of above

A computer has very low failure rate because it used electronic components. It produces very consistent results. This is highlighted by which of the feature of computer?


Rj45 UTP cable has______ Cables?

2 Pair
3 Pair
4 Pair
5 Pair

Which of the following is not a valid size of a floppy disk?

5 1/4"
3 1/2"
5 1/2"

An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead of one is?

On-line thesaurus
Over lapped processing
Outline processor

DNS database contains?

Name server records
Hostname-to-address records
Hostname aliases
All of the above

.......are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet?

IP address

FIFO scheduling is_____?

Non preemtive scheduling
Deadline scheduling
Preemptive scheduling
Fair share scheduling

Which command is used to see the sub-directory structure of drive?

None of these

During the boot process, the----looks for the system files?


Which of the following enables you to make multiple changes in a document at once?

Find command
Replace command
Drag and Drop
Copy command

Which of the following is best for quick copy operation?

Copy and Paste
Windows clipboard
Drag and Drop
Auto Text

What is the function of radio button?

To select multiple option
To select single option
To select all option
All of above

Which of the following operations moves text from clipboard?

Drag and Drop

To select a group of words,_____?

Click the group button on the formatting toolbar
Double-click anywhere within the group to be selected
Drag the mouse pointer through the characters to be selected
Right-click the first and last characters of the group to be selected

On which toolbar can you find format painter tool?

Standard toolbar
Drawing toolbar
Picture toolbar

What must be used to control the layering of objects?

Formatting toolbar
Picture toolbar
Drawing toolbar
Image toolbar

Where can you find the draw table tool button?

Standard toolbar
Formatting toolbar
Drawing toolbar
Tables andFormatting toolbar

Which toolbar has crop button?

Standard toolbar
Formatting toolbar
Drawing toolbar
Picture toolbar

Which of the following is graphics solution for word processors?

Drop cap
All of above

What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook?

Trend line
What-if analysis

Got functions?No?You need the insert function dialog box. How do you get it?

Right click a cell and then click insert
Click the insert menu and then click function
Type = in a call
All of the above

Which of the following describes how to select all the cells in a single column?

Right click on column menu item
Left click on the gray column title button
Use data - text to columns menu item
Pressing Ctrl + A on the keyboard

When you use the fill effects in the format data series dialog box, you cannot

Rotate text on the chart
Select a fore ground color
Select a pattern
Select a background color

Paper spreadsheets can have all the same advantages as an electronic spreadsheetexcept which of the following?

Rows and columns
None of these

Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

Save the workbook
Modify the worksheet
Enter text and data
Copy the worksheet

What's a quick way to extend these numbers to a longer sequence, for instance 1 through 20?

Select both cells,and then drag the fill handle over the range you want, for instance 18 more rows
Select the range you want, include both cells, point to fill on the edit menu, and then click down
Copy the second cell, click in the cell below it, on the standard toolbar click the down arrow on the paste button,and then click paste special
All of the above

To insert three columns between columns D and E you would?

Select column D
Select column E
Select columns E, F and G
Select columns D, E and F

To center worksheet titles across a range of cell, you must?

Select the cells containing the title text and use the fill handle to center the text across a range of cells
Select the cells containing the title text and click on center button
Select the cells in range containing the title text and use the merge and center tool
Widen the column

When integrating Ms-Word and Excel, Word is usually the?

None of these

The difference between slide design and auto content wizard is?

Both are same
AutoContent Wizard is just the wizard version of slide design
Slide design does not provide sample content but auto content wizard provides sample content too!
Slide design asks your choice in steps but auto content wizard does not let you make choices

In which menu can you find features like slide design, slide layout etc...?

Insert menu
Format menu
Tools menu
Slide show menu

Which menu provides you options like animation scheme, custom animation, slide translation?

Insert menu
Format menu
Tools menu
Slide show munu

Which field type will you select when creating a new table if you require to enter long text in that field?


In table design view what are the first column of buttons used for?

Indicate primary key
Indicate current row
Both of above
None of these

What does the show check box in query design window indicate?

It indicates whether the field is to be used or not
It indicates whether the field is to be displayed in query result or not
It indicates whether the field names to be displayed in query result or not
None of these

Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in access database?

One to One
One to many
Many to many
All of above can be applied

This option allows you to build a new table by entering data directly into the datasheet?

Datasheet view
Design view
Link table
None of these

How can you make an e-mail link?

Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic?

Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?

All of above

What happens if you select first and second slide and then click on new slide button on toolbar?

A new slide is inserted as first slide in presentation
A new slide is inseted as second slide in presentation
A new slide is inserted as third slide in presentation
None of these

To create queries in access?

You can drag and drop fields on query builders
You can type the SQL command in SQL view
You can use query wizard or design view
All of these

Following is not a database model?

Network database model
Relational database model
Object oriented database model
None of these

In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?


In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?


Whichbof the following is NOT a type of Microsoft access database object?


Which of the field has width 8 bytes?


CSS is an acronym for?

Cascading style sheet
Costume style sheet
Cascading system style
None of these

Which of the following protocol is not used in the internet?


Who invented World Wide Web(WWW)?

Blaise pascal
Charles babbage
Herman hollerith
Tim berners-lee

A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an?


In analog computer?

Input is first converted to digital form
Input is never converted to digital form
Output is displayed in digital form
All of these

Whichof the following computer is not invented by j.p Eckert and john Mauchly?


Hard disk is coated in both side with?

Magnetic metallic oxide
Optical metallic oxide
Carbon layer
All of these

Which of the printers used in conjunction with computer uses dry ink powder?

Daisy wheel printer
Line printer
Laser printer
Thermal printer

Memory is made up of?

Set of wires
Set of circuits
Large number of cells
All of these

What do you call the translator which takes assembly language program as input & produce machine language code as output?


In______ mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time?

None of these

Which of the following is first generation of computer?


A name or number used to identify a storage location is called?

A byte
A record
An address
All of thess

Which of the following class uses 8bits for network and bits for portion of the ip address?

Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D

......are used to identify a user who returns to a website?


DSL is an example of......... connection?


An operating system is a program or a group of programs that?

Helps in checking the spelling of word
Maintain the relationship in database
Manages the resources of the computer
Performs the calculations of cells in Excel

What is the function of an operating system?

Manages computer's resources very efficiently
Takes care of scheduling jobs for execution
Manages the flow of the data and instructions
All of these

The primary job of the operating system is?

Manage commands
Manage users
Manage programs
Manage resources

Which of the following is not an operating system?

Windows 2000
Mac OS

Scandisk analyze and repair damage to which of the following?

Physical clusters
Lost clusters
All of these

Which of the following is not of the merge process?

Sort the data source records
Format a main document
Edit a data source
Merge the two files to print or create a new document

What would you do when you want to update the data in an embeded worksheet range?

Double click the worksheet range object
Right click worksheet range object & choose format object
Edit the data in the destination document
Edit the data in the source document

Which command is used to establish a link between a source document and a destination document?

Tools, Link, Document
Toola, Link
Edit, Link
Edit, Paste, special

To select multiple cells, rows, or columns in a table that are not adjacent to one another, select the first cell and then hold down the_____ key while selecting the next cell, row, or column?


The paragraph mark (||) is a formatting mark that indicates where the______ was pressed?

Tab key
Enter key
Shift key

Which of the following option in file pull down menu is used to close a MS word document?


Which keystroke is used for updating a field?


Pressing the _____ key instructs word to replace an AutoText entry name with the stored AutoText entry?


Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting is required in more than location?

Auto Text
Format painter
Font dialog boxd
None of these

Charts tips can?

A. Show the formatting ofa data label
B. Show the name of a data series
C. Show the value of data point
D. A and B

The name box?

Shows the location of the previously active call
Appears the left of the formula bar
Appears below the status bar
Appears below the menu bar

How do you change column width to fit the contents?

Single-click the boundary to the left to the column heading
Double click the boundary to the right of the column heading
Press Alt and single click anywhere in the column
All of these

When you work with large worksheets, you may need to?

Size the worksheet to fit on the specific number of pages
Add and remove page breaks
Specify only certain print areas
All of these

Hyperlinks cannot be?

Special shapes like star and banners
Drawing objects like rectangles ovals
All can be hyperlinks

You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to?

Split a worksheet into two panes
View different rows and columns edit the contents of a cell
Edit the contents of a cells
View different worksheet

What do we call a computer program that organizs data in rowd and columns of cells? You might use this type of program to keep a record of the money you earned moving lawns over the summer?

Spreadsheet program
Database program
Word processor program
Desktop publisher program

You can add an image to a template by clicking the insert picture from file button on the..... Toolbar?


What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?


When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are?

Placed in a word table

How many steps are there between start and finish in AutoContent Wizard?

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