Model Question Set 9

Model Question Set 9

Model Question Set 9

Model Question Set 9

1) The deleted file in MS-DOS can be recovered if you use the command mention below immediately, the command is?

2) What is the name of the computer terminal which gives paper printout?

3) Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?

4) External command in DOS are?

5) In a database table, the category of information is called______?

6) IBM 1401 is the first computer to enter in nepal. It belonged to?

7) Second generation computers were developed during?

8) In the IBM PC-At, what do the words AT stand for?

9) To create a new table, in which method you don’t need to specify the field type and size?

10) In one-to-many relationship the table in ‘one’ side is called______and on ‘many’ side is called______?

11) Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called?

12) Which tag inserts  line horizontally on your web page?

13) In mail merge operation which of the following might represent the main document?

14) What was the first computer brought in nepal?

15) The third generation computer was made with_____?

16) When lebel is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must?

17) The two basic types of record access methods are?

18) Which file is the batch file that is read while booting a computer?

19) Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show?

20) The footnote text style defines characters as______?

21) All modern computer operate on?

22) Which is used to perform what if analysis?

23) DIR command is used to?

24) When integrating word and excel, word is usually the?

25) Word is preset to use standard 8.5-by-11-inch paper with____margins?

26) What is the default font size of a new Word document based on nermal template in Word 2003?

27) You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to?

28) The minimun number of rows and columns in MS word document is?

29) Which of the following is not a database object?

30) What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?

31) By default, your document prints with?

32) What is the smallest and largest font size available in font size tool on formatting toolbar?

33) Pressing F8 key for three times selects?

34) Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

35) The third stage in designing a database is when we analyze our tables more closely and create a______between tables?

36) Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find relationship command?

37) The name box?

38) Which is odd?

39) What is the smallest width of a column?

40) How will MS Word will respond in repeated word?

41) Which of the following class of computers can process physical quantities such as speed?

42) What was the name of the first commercially available microprocessor chip?

43) Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using?

44) Fifth generation computer is also known as?

45) How can you find specific information in a list?

46) PowerPoint can display data from which of the following add-in software of MS-Office?

47) What should be the first tag in any HTML document?

48) Comments put in cells are called?

49) How do you delete a column?

50) CHKDSK can be used to find?

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The two basic types of record access methods are?

sequential and random
Sequential and indexed
Direct and immediate
Online and real time

What was the name of the first commercially available microprocessor chip?

Intel 308
Intel 4004
Motorola 639

Which of the following class of computers can process physical quantities such as speed?

Analog Computers
Digital computers
Hybrid computers
None of these

What was the first computer brought in nepal?

IBM 1401
None of these

In the IBM PC-At, what do the words AT stand for?

Additional terminals
Advance technology
Applied technology
Advanced terminology

IBM 1401 is the first computer to enter in nepal. It belonged to?

First generation
Second generation
Third generation
Forth generation

The third generation computer was made with_____?

Vacuum tube
Discrete components
Bio chip

Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?

Control unit and registers
Registers and main mem
Control unit ana ALU
ALU and bus

Fifth generation computer is also known as?

Knowledge information processing system
Very large scale integration
Both of these
None of these

Second generation computers were developed during?

1949 to 1955
1956 to 1965
1965 to 1970
1970 to 1990

What is the name of the computer terminal which gives paper printout?

Display screen
Soft copy terminal
Hard copy terminal

All modern computer operate on?


Which is odd?


Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

Microwave system
Telephone lines
Coaxial cable

Which file is the batch file that is read while booting a computer?


External command in DOS are?

Cpoy, edit, sys, format
Edit, sys, shkdsk
Chkdsk, prompt, date
Sys, ver, vok

CHKDSK can be used to find?

Disk's bad portion
Occupied space
Free space
All of these

DIR command is used to?

Display a list of files in a directory
Display contents of files in directory
Display type of files in a sub directory
All of these

The deleted file in MS-DOS can be recovered if you use the command mention below immediately, the command is?


What is the smallest width of a column?


By default, your document prints with?

1inch top and bottom margins
A portrait orientation
1.25 inches left and right margins
All of these

Word is preset to use standard 8.5-by-11-inch paper with____margins?

1-Inch left, right, top and bottom
1.25-Inch left, right, top and bottom
1.25-Inch left and right margins and 1-inch top and bottom
1-Inch left and right margins abd 1.25-inch top and bottom

What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?


What is the smallest and largest font size available in font size tool on formatting toolbar?

8 and 72
8 and 64
12 and 72
None of these

The footnote text style defines characters as______?

12-point times new roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and right-aligned
10-point times new roman and paragraphs as double-spaced aligned
12-point times new roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and right aligend
10-point times new roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and left-aligned

What is the default font size of a new Word document based on nermal template in Word 2003?

10 pt
12 pt
14 pt
None of these

The minimun number of rows and columns in MS word document is?

1 and 1
2 and 1
2 and 2
None of these

How will MS Word will respond in repeated word?

A red wavy line under the repeated word
A green wavy line under the repeated word
A blue wavy line under the repeated word
None of these

In mail merge operation which of the following might represent the main document?

A sales brochure
A from letter
A database of names and addresses
None of these

Pressing F8 key for three times selects?

A word
A sentence
A paragraph
Entire document

How do you delete a column?

Select the column heading you want to delete abd select the dekete row button on the standard toolbar
Select the column heading you want to delete and select insert delete from the menu
Select the row heading you want to delete and select Edit>Delete from the menu
Right click the column heading you want to delete and select delete from the shortcut menu

How can you find specific information in a list?

Select tools>Finder from the menu
Click the find button on the standard toolbar
Select insert>Find from the menu
Select Data>From the menu to open the data from dialog box and click the criteria button

When integrating word and excel, word is usually the?

D.Both A and B

When lebel is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must?

Shorten the lebel
Increase the column width
Decrase the column width
Adjust the row height

The name box?

Shows the location of the previously active cell
Appears to the left of the formula bar
Appears below the status bar
Appears below the menu bar

Comments put in cells are called?

Smart tip
Cell tip
Web tip
Soft tip

Which is used to perform what if analysis?

Goal seek
Scenario manager
All of these

You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to?

Split a worksheet into two panes
View different rows and columns edit the contents of a cell
Edit the contents of a cell
View different worksheets

Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using?

Standard formulas
Array formula
Complex formulas
Smart formula

Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called?

Custom animations
Preset animations

PowerPoint can display data from which of the following add-in software of MS-Office?

Equation editor
Organization chart
Photo album
All of these

Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show?


In a database table, the category of information is called______?

All of these

To create a new table, in which method you don't need to specify the field type and size?

Create table in design view
Create table using wizard
Create table by entering data
All of these

Which of the following is not a database object?


In one-to-many relationship the table in 'one' side is called______and on 'many' side is called______?

Child, parent
Parent, Child
Brother, sister
Father, son

The third stage in designing a database is when we analyze our tables more closely and create a______between tables?

None of these

Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find relationship command?

Home tab
Create tab
External data
Database tab

Which tag inserts  line horizontally on your web page?

What should be the first tag in any HTML document?

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