MS Word Set 2
If you need to hide some paragraphs , how can you do it ?
Which of the following is the latest version of MS Word ?
you can detect spelling and grammar errors by
Footers are found at the .............of a document.
Which keyboard shortcut opens the Go To dialog box ?
Which keyboard shortcut opens the Go To dialog box ?
which is the default alignment in word ?
Word processing package allows users to :
Following font size is not supported by word :
Following font size is not supported by word :
values of normal margin (in inches) in ms-word is
Following is (are) the key(s) under page layout menu
For creating a hanging Indent, the short cut key is :
By default , tab stops move ______ space.
In drop cap option maximum lines can be set up is :
which tool can be opted for a synonyms word in a document ?
what is a Document Outline in word 2010 ?
How to split a table in word 2010 ?
How to change row height in word 2010 ?
How to add a Border to a paragraph in Word 2010 ?
What is a Template in Microsoft Word ?
How to create columns in word 2010 ?
How to convert table to text in word 2010 ?
What is the use of a master document in word 2010 ?
How to insert Section Break in Microsoft word 2010 ?
What is a file extension of Templates in Microsoft Word ?
which of the following is not the section Break Option ?
What is the use of Document Map ?
What is the shortcut key to display field codes ?
What is the shortcut key to show font dialog box ?
Which of the following is true regarding page orientation of a document ?
Which is the function button for spelling and grammar ?
Ctrl + Y is the short cut key for :
To give a slanted appearance to text in a document, which character formatting effect is applied ?
For vertical arrangement of the content of a table cell ____option is used.
What is the maximum number of columns in a table in word ?
__ is used to reduce or enlarge the print.
For addition of a row at the end of a table , move the cursor at the end and use :
Which command is used to restore a sentence erased just now ?
How many font style will appear in font box in default ?
Which is the short cut of 'replace' ?
Ctrl + left arrow results :
______ margin feature helps you format margins for back to back printing.
pick out the odd one from the following :
Which button is used to save our documents ?
Which tabs on the ribbon do we use to find in the document ?
Which tabs on the Ribbon you find the Zoom ?
Which tab on the ribbon do we use to cut and paste ?
Which tabs on the ribbon do we use to change our font size ?
What is MS Word ?