Operating System Set 1

Operating System Set 1


Operating System Set 1

Operating System Set 1

1) The question mark (? indicate in file searching

2) Which of the following is not a system tool ?

3) The problem with … file is that they slow your computer’s operation

4) to delete a file without allowing it to store in recycle bin

5) An operating system is a program or a group of programs that

6) All of the following are task performed by the operating system except

7) Which of the following is used to display the content of a certain drive or folder ?

8) Which of the following command display the name of files in stored order ?

9) Operating system manages

10) Essential files of MS DOS are

11) CAD software is most likely to be used by

12) In which type of the following OS,  the response time is very crucial.

13) The command allows you to show the status of the disk is

14) The windows feature is the ability of the computer to automatically configure a new hardware component is that

15) Fonts install From

16) The command fixes the minor errors of the disk

17) Which key deletes text before, or to the left , of the insertion point ?

18) All of the following are task performed by the operating system except

19) What is the function of folder ?

20) …. are specially designed computer chips that resides inside other devices, such as your car or electric

21) …. provides information about hardware installation , configuration and hardware status

22) The program that is responsible for loading the operating system into RAM is called

23) Which Operating System doesn’t support long file names ?

24) Unicode standard is

25) It is the default folder for many Windows applications to save your file

26) When you cut or copy the text or picture , it stores temporarily in the

27) Which Operating System doesn’t support long file names ?

28) Which of the following file format supports in Windows 7 ?

29) CHKDSK command

30) UNIX operating system is an

31) Which is not the function of the operating system ?

32) Which is not concerned with control panel ?

33) The file system “NTFS” stands for

34) … is an intermediate storage for deleted files

35) Which of the following is default mode for windows to start ?

36) Which of the following is not a mode in starting windows ?

37) Which key deletes text before, or to the left , of the insertion point ?

38) Netscape navigator is a

39) You can install fonts from

40) Outlook express lets you

41) which of the following is a not process state ?

42) We can restore the deleted files and folder from

43) A tiny dot of light on the monitor is called

44) The ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple program at the same time is called

45) Which of the following is not a part of the control panel ?

46) A real time operating system is most likely to be used for which of the following task ?

47) Essential files of MS DOS are

48) The title bar always displays on

49) In copy con command , con stands for what ?

50) Start/Restart the computer is called

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.... are specially designed computer chips that resides inside other devices, such as your car or electric

embedded computer
Robotic computer

The title bar always displays on

Top of the open windows
Left side of the open window
Right side of the open windows
All of these

Which of the following is used to display the content of a certain drive or folder ?

Click the driver or folder while holding down the Alt key
Triple click the drive or folder
Right click the drive or folder
Double click the drive of folder

... is an intermediate storage for deleted files

My computer
My documents
Recycle bin
None of these

which of the following is a not process state ?


The question mark (? indicate in file searching

A single character
A group of character
None of these

CAD software is most likely to be used by

Web designer
Project manager
Magazine Editor

The problem with ... file is that they slow your computer's operation

All of these

to delete a file without allowing it to store in recycle bin

Delete key
Press Shift + Delete key
Ctrl + Delete key
Press Alt + Delete

All of the following are task performed by the operating system except

Managing hardware on the computer
Controlling the access that application program has to the CPU
Performed housekeeping task like file compression and disk defragmentation
Provides an interface for user to interact with computer

All of the following are task performed by the operating system except

Managing hardware on the computer
Controlling the access that application program has to the CPU
Performed housekeeping task like file compression and disk defragmentation
Provides an interface for user to interact with computer

Which key deletes text before, or to the left , of the insertion point ?

Page Up
Page Down

Which key deletes text before, or to the left , of the insertion point ?

Page Up
Page Down

Start/Restart the computer is called


Which of the following is not a mode in starting windows ?

Command Prompt
Safe Mode
Normal Mode
Turbo Mode

Which of the following is default mode for windows to start ?

Command prompt
Safe Mode
Normal mode
None of these

The file system "NTFS" stands for

New Type File System
Never Terminated File System
New Technology File System
Non Terminated File System

UNIX operating system is an

Time sharing operating system
Multi-user operating system
Multi-tasking operating system
All of these

The ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple program at the same time is called

Multi operating
Multi paging

Essential files of MS DOS are

All of these

Essential files of MS DOS are

All of these

Which Operating System doesn't support long file names ?

Windows 95
Windows NT

Which Operating System doesn't support long file names ?

Windows 95
Windows NT

What is the function of folder ?

Save files
Delete Files
Move files
All of these

A real time operating system is most likely to be used for which of the following task ?

Controlling access to a shared printer in a network
Ensuring that system clock works correctly on server
managing the access to system files in a laptop computer
Controlling the fuel injection system of an automobile engines

An operating system is a program or a group of programs that

Helps in checking the spelling of Word
maintain the relationship in database
Manages the resources of the Computer
Performs the calculations of cells in Excel

When you cut or copy the text or picture , it stores temporarily in the

All of these

A tiny dot of light on the monitor is called

Silicon chip
Optical illusion

Operating system manages

I/O devices
All of these

CHKDSK command

Check the disk
DOS command
Give information about disk
All of these

Fonts install From

Add from control panel
Font setup file
Font.exe file
All of these

You can install fonts from

Add from control program
Font setup files
Font.exe files
All of these

Which is not concerned with control panel ?

Run application

Unicode standard is

Keyboard layout
Character encoding system

Which of the following file format supports in Windows 7 ?

All of these

Netscape navigator is a

None of these

It is the default folder for many Windows applications to save your file

My Document
My Picture
Documents and settings
My Computer

Which of the following is not a system tool ?

Drive space
Disk defragmenter

The program that is responsible for loading the operating system into RAM is called

Bootstrap program
Device driver
Supervisor program

We can restore the deleted files and folder from

Recycle bin
My document
Control panel
All of these

In copy con command , con stands for what ?


Outlook express lets you

Mail communication
Connects to ISP
All of these

The command fixes the minor errors of the disk


The command allows you to show the status of the disk is


In which type of the following OS,  the response time is very crucial.

Network Operating system
Real Time Operating System
Batch Operating System
Unix Operating System

Which is not the function of the operating system ?

Memory management
Disk management
Application management
Virus protection

The windows feature is the ability of the computer to automatically configure a new hardware component is that

Auto detect
plug and play
Add remove hardware
None of these

Which of the following is not a part of the control panel ?

Date and time
My documents
Add or remove program

.... provides information about hardware installation , configuration and hardware status

Device manager
Control panel
Add new hardware
program manager

Which of the following command display the name of files in stored order ?


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